No-show prompts
Set up no-show prompts for your office to reduce wasted desk bookings and re-allocate desks to those who need them.
Many booking tools offer the ability to free up unused desks in the morning, after people fail to manually check-in for bookings. However, this is often too late to make an actual difference. Calven understands that people make their plans in advance, so waiting until the morning of doesn’t cut it. By prompting people to release their desks before the day of the booking, Calven can free up and re-allocate desks in time for others to actually use them.
What are no-show prompts?
No-show prompts are a way to automatically free up the desk bookings of people who are likely to no-show, to make more desks available for those who need them and increase the accuracy of bookings on the floor plan.
With no-show prompts enabled, Calven looks at who no-showed for their most recent booking(s), then prompts them to confirm tomorrow’s booking with a quick tap. If you fail to respond to a no-show prompt, your desk booking for tomorrow will be released at 5 PM today, for others to book. No-show prompts can be enabled for offices with presence integrations configured. No-show prompts works best when enabled alongside waitlist.
To avoid accidentally cancelling the booking of people who plan to show up, we recommend reaching out to users to let them know when you first enable no-show prompts, and reminding them to enable Calven push notifications on their mobile devices. Learn more about notifications
Why enable no-show prompts?
On average, we find more than 20% of desks that are booked in advance end up unused or forgotten about by the users who book them. This creates friction in the office when people who want a desk booking miss out, or can’t tell whether a desk on the map is actually in use or booked accidentally by someone who’s no longer coming in.
No-show prompts will make a big impact to prevent wasted bookings, re-allocate unused desks to people who need them, and provide a more accurate view on the floor plan of who’s actually in the office. By only targeting people who have already missed their recent bookings, Calven can free up desks that are likely to go unused, without bothering users who do show up for most of their bookings. This is a great way of removing friction and cleaning up inaccurate bookings to create a pattern of more intentional attendance, especially in offices with limited capacity.
Since the no-show prompts are sent on the day prior to an upcoming office day, desks will be made available for employees with sufficient time to make decisions about coming into the office.
To get the most out of no-show prompts, enable waitlist in booking settings for your office. After desk bookings are cancelled (via no-show prompt or otherwise) the waitlist will re-book them for users who didn’t get a desk initially.
How do no-show prompts work? 
Administrators can choose whether to require confirmation after one no-show, two consecutive no-shows, or never
On the day before the upcoming booking, Calven will send a prompt to users who previously no-showed, via…
Push notification
Slack (if configured)
From the prompt, users can choose to confirm their office booking, or change to remote for the upcoming day
Users who fail to respond to the prompt will have their desk booking automatically cancelled
Booking administrators also can opt individual users out of no-show prompts by editing their booking settings (work information) on the user’s profile in backoffice
No-show prompts will be sent at the same time as the upcoming office day notification. You can configure this time in booking settings for the office. The upcoming office day notification must be enabled in order to enable no-show prompts.
We recommend choosing a notification time early in the day, to ensure users have enough time to respond and confirm tomorrow’s booking. When users fail to respond to a no-show prompt, their desk bookings for tomorrow will be cancelled at 5 PM today.
What happens if I fail to respond to a no-show prompt?
When you fail to respond to the prompt by 5PM local time, your desk booking will release for others to book. You will continue to receive no-show prompts on the day before your desk booking until you…
Stop booking desks
Check-in for a desk booking
Do I have to confirm all booking types?
No. Calven will not require a confirmation for tomorrow’s booking if…
Tomorrow’s booking is an office-level booking only (no specific desk or neighborhood booked)
Tomorrow’s booking was booked for you by an administrator
Tomorrow’s booking was made today
Tomorrow’s booking is at your assigned desk
What counts as a no-show?
A no-show is when you are not checked-in by presence detection at the office on a day where you had an auto-booked (booked by Calven) or manually booked (booked by you) desk.
What does not count as a no-show?
Missing a desk booking that was made for you by an administrator
Missing a desk booking at my assigned desk
Missing an office-level booking (no specific desk or neighborhood booked)
How does Calven know if I no-show?
Calven relies on presence integrations within your office to see if you’re “checked-in” or not for a given day. When your presence is detected via Wifi, badge, or sensor data, you’ll see a green tick mark on your profile in the Calven apps (if “checked-in indicator” is enabled at your office). If you are present at the office but not appearing as ‘checked-in’ in the Calven app, make sure you have enabled presence enabled in your booking settings, and check with an administrator if you still have questions.
We want your feedback! Would you enable no-show prompt in your office? Would you be interested in more corrective booking automations from Calven - for example, a way to opt users out of auto-booking desks altogether, after many consecutive no-shows?